Admissions Matters

You may refer to past years’ COPs as a gauge:

Students who are given a DSA confirmed offer will need to achieve a PSLE score that is eligible for "Posting Group 3" to join SJI, and provided he opts for SJI during the school preference submission via MOE's DSA-Sec Portal.

A PSLE score range of 4 - 20  will qualify the student for Posting Group 3 in a Secondary School. With a PSLE score of 21 - 22, the applicant has to choose Posting Group 3 if he wants to be posted to SJI through DSA.

DSA students who meet this year’s SJI IP COP can apply to transfer to SJI IP, however, this is subject to available vacancies after the S1 Posting.

The transfer form will be made available upon request - email to

Information for Appeal will be updated after the S1 Posting is released in Dec 2024.

Applicants appealing for admission to SJI MUST meet the cut-off point (COP) of the particular programme.  

MOE’s no-transfer policy for students who have been successfully placed in a Secondary School via Direct School Admissions (DSA) applies.

Please refer to:

School Fees & Financial Assistance

School Suppliers (Books/Uniforms)

School Hours